Student's Interview

- Interviewer
Did NILS help you improve your Japanese?
- Chrisitine
Yes, definitely. Listening has improved definitely better, and reading much better.
And also, speaking and writing skills have improved a little more. - Interviewer
How satisfied are you with the school facilities?
- Chrisitine
Satisfied. The school facility is very good. And the teachers have always been here to help me a lot when I do not know what to do.
- Interviewer
Which NILS activity would you rate the best?
- Chrisitine
Almost of all NILS activities were very good. I had a good time in paper making activities. I made a wonderful letter-sized washi by myself. I will give it to my grandchildren for Christmas card. I hope they will like it a lot!

She enjoyed NILS school activities!
■ 卵焼き料理:Japanese traditional Eggroll cocking

■ 書道:Calligraphy

■ 華道:Japanese flower arrangement