Student's Interview

- Interviewer
Did NILS help you improve your Japanese proficiency?
- Eric Truong
When I first arrived in Japan, the only Japanese I knew was from what I had studied on YouTube and textbooks that I had with me in America.
However, in just one year of studying at NILS, I feel as if my level of speaking has increased quite drastically. Teachers at this school teach students strictly in
Japanese, and I feel this especially helps with adapting to the language at a faster pace.
- Interviewer
How Helpful was the staff after you started the program?
- Eric Truong
The teachers at NILS are very helpful. From school-related problems to personal troubles you might have, the teachers are willing to listen to you and do the best they can to help their students. Of course, there are limits to what the teachers can and can not do for us students, but I appreciate the efforts and kindness that I have been shown while at NILS.
- Interviewer
How would you rate your teachers?
- Eric Truong
A perfect 10 out of 10! My current teachers are the exact models of what makes a fine teacher.
They are all very empathetic, passionate with what they're teaching, patient with all their students, and exceptional when it comes to adapting to students from different countries.
- Interviewer
How about NILS' school Activities?
- Eric Truong
NILS did have a few school activities, but due to a few climate issues, some of our activities had to be canceled. Unfortunately, I was unable to go to many of the school's larger school activities.
- Interviewer
How do you like Fukuoka?
- Eric Truong
Out of all the cities to choose from in Japan, I would have to say that Fukuoka is one of the best regarding the cost of living. Prices for almost everything are very cheap,
which is amazing for students studying abroad who are worried about how expensive things may be in Japan. There are very few English speakers here, but that especially helps you practice your Japanese even more efficiently. Overall, Fukuoka is a good place for students who are serious about their Japanese studies and are worried about financial expenses. Other than that, people here are generally very nice.