Student's Interview

- Interviewer
How was the first month of your stay in Japan?
- Jacob
It was very interesting.
- Interviewer
What is your feeling of Japan and Fukuoka?
- Jacob
I am not too sure yet. Perhaps I've not been here long enough.
- Interviewer
How is your study at NILS?
- Jacob
It is going very well. I've learned so much from interacting with Japanese people every day, as well as conversing with my teachers.
- Interviewer
What do you think about your teachers, their methods and skills of teaching?
- Jacob
They are extremely kind and very dedicated to their work. The way they walk back and forth when playing two different roles is pretty funny, but it's a good example of how committed they are.
- Interviewer
Are you feeling progressed with your Japanese?
- Jacob
Definitely. The words are coming to me naturally now.
- Interviewer
Have you done any activities? How were they?
- Jacob
They were a lot of fun. You get to learn about Japanese culture and visit lots of interesting places.
- Interviewer
You come here to prepare for the JLPT, and do you think this course will help you to pass with confidence?
- Jacob
Yes. You get to take practice JLPT tests during class, so it definitely helps.
- Interviewer
What do you do when you're off?
- Jacob
I like to run, walk out at the local park, play my guitar, and sometimes go into the city. But that's just me, I'm sure everyone else is doing something more interesting, haha…
- Interviewer
Well, I hope you can have more fun in Japan and pass JLPT.