Student's Interview
- Interviewer
Were the lessons easy to understand?
- Laura
Yes. The teachers always explained if you asked question.
- Interviewer
Do you think that your Japanese has improved?
- Laura
Yes. I think my listening skills have definitely improved, and also my speaking skills.
- Interviewer
What do you think about our teachers?
- Laura
All the teachers were really friendly and energetic. I liked them all!!
- Interviewer
Are you satisfied with the learning environment here at NILS?
- Laura
On my first day I found it really difficult. I wasn’t used to whole lesson in Japanese! However, I learnt really quickly from this experience, and I would not want to change it.
- Interviewer
Which activity was the best?
- Laura
The syodo (calligraphy) was the best activity. I really enjoyed learning about traditional Japanese arts. I enjoyed them all.
- Interviewer
What other kinds of activities would you have liked to experience?
- Laura
I think class karaoke would have been really good fun!