School Blog

Today's Phrase

Traditonal Art: 陶磁器 Tojiki

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. Today’s topic is a Japanese traditional art: 陶磁器 [Tojiki] or Ceramics and Porcelain.
Since ceramics, 陶器 toki, and porcelain, 磁器 jiki, are produced and used in similar ways, Japanese use the word “tojiki” to refer to both of them. Toki, or ceramics, were introduced to Japan from China in the Nara period and their production flourished with 茶の湯 chanoyu, the tea ceremony, in the Momoyama period. 瀬戸 Seto, in Aichi prefecture, is well-known for its ceramic production and people still refer to tojiki as “瀬戸物 setomono.” Jiki, a porcelain, was also introduced from China. Jiki made in Arita in Kyushu was exported to Europe from the port Imari by the Dutch Est India Company, where people appreciated its artistic qualities.
Arita Ceramic Bazaar is held during Golden week every year, and many ceramic lovers visit this event from all over Japan. You can enjoy finding nice ceramics and appreciating works of art by famous artists.

May 23rd News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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