School Blog

Today's Phrase

NILS Activity: 遠足 #3

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. Jessica-san from the United States learning Japanese language in our short term program wrote an short essay on last week’s school excursion.

“I very much enjoyed going on the school trip last Friday. It was very nice seeing so many other people studying Japanese from the Ogori Campus. I met many people and saw some familiar faces from the Hakata Dontaku activity. My favorite part of the event was 植物園 botanical garden where they had a huge collection of roses, etc. There was a little field where families could picnic and many people with cameras taking pictures of the scenery. I was able to spend the majority of the day with Shimogawa-sensei and a student named Sue-san. Wee seemed to have the same level of Japanese so that was nice! Anyway, hope to see some of hte people I met from Ogori some time again and really enjoyed spending the day with my teachers and other students.” —Jessica-san, from the U.S.

May 24th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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