School Blog

Today's Phrase

EJU 日本留学試験

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. Today’s topic is EJU 日本留学試験.
EJU is Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students. International students who want to study at colleges/universities/vocational schools are required to take this exam. EJU is held twice a year in June and in November. Most colleges and universities give entrance exams in December, January, and February, so students study hard to get better scores in November exam. They take not only the Japanese languuage, but also math, science, or social studies. The most important subject is of couse Japanese. Many colleges and universities require applicants get score of 200 or over (full mark is 400). The purpose of the examination on Japanese is to measure their ability to communicate in the Japanese language that is required for higher education as well as daily life in Japan.
This year’s first exam is scheduled on June 17. Many of our students take it, so we had practice test today, and they found out what section was good and what section was bad. Teachers will give them appropriate advice so that they can prepare for the exam more effectively.

May 25th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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