School Blog

Today's Phrase

Let’s learn Japanese: Lesson 1 (2)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. Let’s learn Japanese language together!
[Sか] *S refers to a sentence.
1. Particle か
The particle か is used to express the speaker’s doubt, question, uncertainty, etc. A question is formed by simply adding か to the end of the sentence. A question ends with a rising intonation.

2. Questions asking whether a statement is correct or not
As mentioned abeove, a sentence becomes a question when か is added to the end. THe word order doesn’t change. The question thus made asks whether a statement is correct or not. Depending on whether your agree with the statement or not, your answers to such question begins with はい or いいえ.
(Example 1)
スミスさんは アメリカ人です。 Is Mr. Smith an American?
…はい、アメリカ人です。 …Yes, he is.
(Example 2)
スミスさんは 先生です。 Is Mr. Smith a teacher?
…いいえ、先生じゃ ありません。 …No, he isn’t.
*先生(せんせい): teacher

3. Questions with interrogatives
An interrogative replaces the part of the sentence that covers what you want to ask about. The word order doesn’t change, and か is added at the end.
あの方(かた)は どなたです。 Who is that man?
…[あの方は]スミスさんです。 …That’s Mr. Smith.
*どなた: who
*あの方: that man (he, she)

June 4th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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