School Blog

Today's Phrase

Let’s learn Japanese: Lesson 1-(3)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. Let’s learn Japanese language together!
[N も]
も is added after a topic instead of は when the statement about the topic is the same as the previous topic.
スミスさんは 会社員(かいしゃいん)です。 Mr. Smith is a company employee.
シュミットさん 会社員です。 Mr. Schmidt is also a company employee.
*会社員(かいしゃいん): a company employee

[N1 の N2]
の is used to connect two nouns. N1 modifies N2 in Lesson 1, N1 is an organization or some kind of group to which N2 belongs.
スミスさんは IMC社員(しゃいん)です。 Mr. Smith is an IMC employee.

さん is added to the name of the listener or third person to show the speakes’s respect to the person. It should never be used with the speaker’s own name.
あの方は スミスさんです。 That’s Mr. Smith.
When referring directly to the listerner, the word あなた (you) is not commonly used if you know the listener’s name. The listener’s family name followed by さん is usually used.

June 5th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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