School Blog

Today's Phrase

Traditional Performing Art: 能 Noh

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. Today, I would like to talk about Noh 能, one of the traditional Japanese performing arts.
Noh is the oldest dramatic art in Japan, haveing originally developed in the 14th century. It was Yoshimitsu Ashikaga, the Shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate, who supported noh because he was deeply impressed by its subtle and profound beauty. Many famous noh stroies focus on rather pessimistic aspects of human life and they are told by a form of recitation called utai. Noh actors were elaborate costumes and delicately carved wooden masks which represent charactoers such as young and old women, and even demons. By hiding their faces with masks and using stylized movements, actors attract the audience to his unique and urealistic world.


June 5th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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