School Blog

Today's Phrase

Let’s learn Japanese: Lesson 4-(1)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. Let’s go on to next lesson!
[今(いま) ―時(じ)―分(ふん)です]
To express time, teh counter suffixes 時 (o’clock) and 分 (minutes) are used. The numbers ar put before them. 分 is read ふん after 2, 5, 7 or 9 and ぷん after 1, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 10. 1, 6, 8 and 10 are read いっ, ろっ, はっ and じゅっ(じっ) before ぷん.
1分 いっぷん
3分 さんぷん
4分 よんぷん
6分 ろっぷん
8分 はっぷん
10分 じゅっぷん/じっぷん

The interrogative なん is used with a counter suffix to ask questions concerning numbers or amounts. Therefore, the word なんじ (or sometimes なんぷん) is used to ask the time.
今 何時(なんじ)ですか。   —7時10分です。
What time is it now? —It’s seven ten.
*今: now
*何時: what time

Note that は marks the topic of a sentence, which you learn in Lesson 1. A geographical location can also be used as the topick as can be seen below.
ニューヨークは 今 何時ですか。   —午前(ごぜん)4時です。
In New York, what time is it now? —It’s 4 a.m.
*午前: in the morning

June 14th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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