School Blog

Today's Phrase

Let’s lear Japanese: Lesson 4-(3)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese lanuage school. Did you enjoy your weekend? Let’s learn Japanese language this week too.
[N(time) に V] *N refers to a noun and V refers to a verb.
When a verb denotes a momentary action or movement, the time when it occurs is marked with the particle に. に is added when the noun before it uses a numeral. It can also be added to the days of the week, thought it is not essential. When the noun does not use a numeral, に is not added.
6時に 起きます。   I get up at six.
7月2日 日本へ 来(き)ました。   I came to Japan on July 2.
日曜日[に] 奈良(なら)へ 行(い)きます。   I am going to Nara on Sunday.
きのう 勉強しました。   I studied yesterday.
*来ます: come
*行きます: go

[N1 から N2 まで]
1. から indicates the starting time or place, and まで indicates the finishing time or place.
9時から 5時まで 働(はたら)きます。   I work from nine to five.
*働きます: work
*~から: from ~
*~まで: up to ~, until ~
2. から and まで are not always used together.
9時から 働きます。   I work from nine.
3. ~から、~まで or ~から~まで is sometimes used with です added directly after either.
銀行(ぎんこう)は 9時から 3時までです。   The bank is open from nine to three.
*銀行: a bank

June 18th News from NILS Japanese language school.


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