School Blog

Today's Phrase

Let’s learn Japanese: Lesson 4-(4)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school.
[N1 と N2] *N refers to a noun.
The particle と connects two nouns in coordinate relation.
銀行の 休みは 土曜日 日曜日です。
The bank is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
*~と~: and (used to connect nouns)

[S ね] *S refers to a sentence.
ね is attached to the end of a sentence to add feeling to what the speaker says. It shows the speaker’s sympathy or the speaker’s expectation that the listner will agree. In the latter usage, it is often used to confirming something.
毎日 10時ごろまで 勉強します。  —大変(たいへん)です
I study till about ten every day. —That must be hard.
山田(やまだ)さんの 電話番号(でんわばんごう)は 871の 6813です。  —871の 6813です
Mr. Yamada’s telephone number is 871-6813. —871-6813, right?
*大変(たいへん)ですね。: That’s tough, isn’t it? (used when expressing sympathy)
*電話番号: telephone number

June 19th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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