School Blog

Today's Phrase

Let’s learn Japanese: Lesson 5-(2)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school.
[N (person/animal) と V] *N refers to a noun, and V refers to a verb.
When you do something with a person (or an animal), the person (or the animal) is marked with the particle と.
家族(かぞく) 日本へ 来ました。   I came to Japan with my family.
*家族: family
If you do something alone, the expression ひとりで is used. In this case, と is not used.
ひとりで 京都へ 行きます。   I will go to Kyoto alone.

[S よ] *S refers to a sentence.
よ is placed at the end of a sentence. It is used to emphasize information which the listener does not know, or to show that you are giving your judgement of views assertively.
この電車(でんしゃ)は 甲子園(こうしえん)へ 行きますか。
—いいえ、行きません。 次(つぎ)の 普通(ふつう)です
Does this train go to Koshien?  —No, it doesn’t. The next local train does.
*次の: next
*普通: local (train) [in this case]

June 26th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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