School Blog

Today's Phrase

Let’s learn Japanese: Lesson 5-(3)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. Today, we learn how to ask about and tell time (dates).
To ask about time, the interrogatives using なん such as なんじ (what time), なんようび (what day of the week) and なんがつなんにち (what’s the date) are used. Other that these, the interrogative いつ (when) is also used to ask wehen something will happen/happened. いつ does not take the particle に.
いつ 日本へ 来ましたか。   —4月25日に 来ました。
When did you come to Japan? —I came on April 25th.

―がつ (-月): -th month of the year
ついたち (1日): first day of the month
ふつか (2日): second
みっか (3日): third
よっか (4日): fourth
いつか (5日): fifth
むいか (6日): sixth
なのか (7日): seventh
ようか (8日): eighth
ここのか (9日): ninth
とおか (10日): tenth
じゅうよっか (14日): fourteenth
はつか (20日): twentieth
にじゅうよっか (24日): twenty fourth
―にち (―日): -th day of the month

June 27th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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