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Today's Phrase

Let’s learn Japanese language: Lesson 8-(1)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. We start a new lesson today. You will start learning adjectives in Lesson 8.
Ajectives are used as 1) predeictes and 2) noun modifiers. They inflect and are divided into two groups, い-adjectives ad な-adjectives, according to the inflection.

[Nは な-adj (without な) です/Nは い-adj です]
1) です at the end of an adjective snetence shows the speaker’s polite attitude toward the listner. An い-adjective with い at the end comes before です, whereas a な-adjective without な comes before です.
ワット先生(せんせい)は 親切(しんせつ)です。   Mr. Watt is kind.
富士山(ふじさん)は 高(たか)いです。   Mt. Fuji is high.
*親切[な]: kind
*高い: high, tall
です is used when a sentence is non-past and affirmative.

2) な-adj (without な) じゃ ありません
The negative form of な-adj (without な) です is な-adj (without な) じゃ ありません.
ここは 静(しず)かじゃ ありません。   It’s not quiet here.
*静か[な]: quiet

3) い-adj (without い at the end) くないです
To make the negative form of an い-adjective, い at the end of the い-adjective is altered to くない.
この本(ほん)は おもしろくないです。   This book is not interesting.
*おもしろい: interesting
The negativei form for いいです is よくないです.
*いい[よい]: good, nice

4) Questions using adjective sentences are made in the same way as those using noun or verb sentences. In answering a question, you repeat the adjective used in teh question. そうです or そうじゃ ありません cannot be used.

July 13th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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