School Blog

Today's Phrase

Let’s learn Japanese language: Lesson 10-(5)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school.
[N1や N2]
Nouns are connected in coordinate relation by the particle や. While the particle と enumerates all the items, the particle や shows a few representative items. Sometimes など is put after the last nown to explicitly express that there are also some other things of the kind.
箱(はこ)の 中に 手紙(てがみ) 写真(しゃしん)が あります。
箱の 中に 手紙 写真などが あります。
There are letters, pictures and so on in the box.
*箱: box
*手紙: letter

[Word(s) ですか]
The particle か has the function to confirm. The speaker picks up a word or words he/she wants to confirm and confirms it (them) using this pattern.
すみません。福岡(ふくおか)銀行(ぎんこう)は どこですか。  —福岡銀行ですか。あの ビルの 中です。
Excuse me, but where is the Fukuoka Bank?  —The Fukuoka Bank? It’s in that building.
*銀行: bank
*ビル: building

[N1は ありませんか]By using negative form ありませんか instead of ありますか, you can be indirect and polite, showing that you are prepared for a negative answer.

August 6th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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