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Japanese Nobel Prize Winners #2

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. I would like to introduce some more Japanese Nobel Prize Winners. You can read about the first two winners here.
[Kawabata Yasunari 川端康成/Literature, 1968]
Novelist. Kawabata’s best-known novels are “Snow Country 雪国(ゆきぐに),” “Thousand Cranes 千羽鶴(せんばづる),” “The Dancing Girl of Izu 伊豆の踊子(いずのおどりこ)” and “The Sound of Mountain 山の音(やまのおと).” He tried to create a melancolic lyricism echoing ancient Japanese traditions in modern idioms.

[Esaki Leona 江崎玲於奈/Physics, 1973]
Physicist. Esaki dicovered the phenomenon called electron tunneling and invented the Esaki diode or semiconductor material, which exploited the phenomenon.

[Sato Eisaku 佐藤栄作/Peace, 1974]
Plitician. Sato was prime minister from November 1964 to July 1972. he advocated the Three Non-Nuclear Principles in 1967 and led Japan into signing the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. He contributed to Japan being recognized a peaceful world power and hece in stabilizing the Pacific region.

August 17th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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