School Blog

Today's Phrase

Let’s learn Japanese language: Lesson 12-(2)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. Today, we learn “Comparison.”
[N1は N2より adjectiveです]
This sentence pattern describes the quality and/or state of N1 in comparison with N2.
この車は あの車より 大きいです。
This car is begger than that car.

[N1と N2と どちらが adjectiveですか  —N1/N2の ほうが adjectiveです]
The questions askes the listener to choose between two items (N1 and N2). The interrogative used always どちら if the comparison is made between two items.
サッカーと 野球(やきゅう)と どちらが おもしろいですか。  —サッカーの ほうが おもしろいです。
Which is more interesting, baseball or football?  —Football is.
ミラーさんと スミスさんと どちらが テニスが 上手(じょうず)ですか。
Who is a better tennis player, Mr. Miller or Mr. Smith?
春(はる)と 秋(あき)と どちらが 好きですか。
Which do you like better, spring or autumn?
*春: spring
*秋: autumn

August 20th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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