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Japanese Nobel Prize Winners #3

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. Today’s topic is Japanese Nobel Prize winners #3. If you miss the last two, please check #1 and #2.
[Fukui Kenichi 福井謙一/Chemistry, 1987]
Industrial chemist. Fukui won the Nobel prize for the “frontier orbital” theory. It predicted the change in molecular orbitals during chemical reactions.

[Tonegawa Susumu 利根川進/Physiology or Medicine, 1987]
Molecular biologist. Tonegawa won the Nobel prize for his work in immunology. He discovered teh genetic principle for the generation of antibody diversity.

[Ooe Kenzaburo 大江健三郎/Literature, 1994]
Novelist, short-story writer and essayist. Ooe created a world which shows a mixing of myth and reality by commanding poetic language, and succeeded in depicting modern people in distress. His major works are “A Personal Matter 個人的な体験(こじんてきなたいけん),” “The Pinch Runner Memorandum ピンチランナー調書(ちょうしょ),” “The Game of Contemporaneity 同時代(どうじだい)ゲーム” and many others.

August 21st News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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