School Blog

Today's Phrase

Let’s learn Japanese language: Lesson 13-(1)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. We start a new lesson today.
[Nが 欲(ほ)しいです]
This sentence pattern is used to express the speaker’s desire to possess or have an object. It can also be used to ak what the listener wants The object is marked with the particle が. ほしい is an い-adjective although “want” is a verb in English.
わたしは 友達(ともだち)が 欲しいです。  I want a friend.
今(いま) 何(なに)が いちばん 欲しいですか。  —車(くるま)が 欲しいです。
What do you want most now?  —I want a car most.
子(こ)どもが 欲しいですか。  —いいえ、欲しくないです。
Do you want a child?  —No, I don’t.

Let’s put some words and practice this sentence pattern.

If you are interested in learning Japanese language in Japan, please check our programs.
1 year intensive program & short term program

August 28th News, from Japanese language school.


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