School Blog

Today's Phrase

Let’s learn Japanese language: Lesson 13-(4)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. We will finish Lesson 13 today.
[Nに V/Nを V]
The particle に marks the goal when used with verbs like はいります(go in), のります(get on), etc. The particle を makes the starting point or place when used with verbs like でます(go out), おります(get off), etc.
(Example)あの 喫茶店(きっさてん)に 入(はい)りましょう。  Let’s get in that coffee shop.
7時に うちを 出(で)ます。  I leave my house at 7:00.

どこか means anywhere or somewhere. なにか means anything or something. The particles へ and を can be omitted.
(Example)週末(しゅうまつ)は どこか[へ] 行きましたか。  Did you go anywhere in the weekend?
何か[を] 飲みたいです。  I want to dring someting.

September 4th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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