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Today's Phrase

Let’s learn Japanese language: Lesson 14-(1)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. We start a new lesson today. You will learn a new form of verbs, and it seems to be complicated to you. I hope you will use verbs properly so that you can talk with the native Japnaese people fluently.

1. Verb conjugation
Verbs in Japanese change their forms, that is, they conjugate, and they are divided into three groups according to the type of conjugation. Depending on the following phrases, you can make sentences with various meanings.

2. Verb groups
1) Group I verbs: In the verbs of this group, the last sound of the ます-form is that of the い-line.
ます write     のます drink

2) Group II verbs: In most of the verbs of this group, the last sound of the ます-form is that of the え-line, but in some verbs the last sound of the ます-form is that of the い-line.
ます eat     みます show     ます see

3) Group III verbs: Verbs of this group include します and “noun denoting an action + します” as well as きます.

Let’s learn some new verbs here. The Roman number put after each word indicates which group it belongs to.
つけます [II]: turn on
けします [I] 消します: turn off
あけます [II] 開けます: open
しめます [II] 閉めます: close, shut
いそぎます [I] 急ぎます: hurry
まちます [I] 待ちます: wait
とめます [II] 止めます: stop, park
まがります [I] 曲がります: turn
もちます [I] 持ちます: hold
とります [I] 取ります: take, pass
てつだいます [I] 手伝います: help (with a task)
よびます [I] 呼びます: call
はなします [I] 話します: speak, talk
みせます [II] 見せます: show
おしえます [II] 教えます: tell
はじめます [II] 始めます: start, begin
(あめが)ふります [I] (雨が)降ります: rain
コピーします [III]: copy

Short term converstaional course
Intensive 1 year program

September 6th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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