School Blog

Today's Phrase

Let’s learn Japanese language: Lesson 14-(3)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. Today we learn some basic sentence patterns using the V て-form introduced last week.
[V て-form ください] Please do…
This sentence pattern is used to ask, instruct or encourage the listener to do something. Naturally, if the listener is one’s superior, this expression cannot be used for giving instructions to him/her. The sentences shown below are examples of asking, instructing adn encouraging, respetively.
すみませんが、 この 漢字(かんじ)の 読(よ)み方(かた)を 教(おし)えて ください。
Excuse me, but could you tell me how to read this kanji, please?
ここに 住所(じゅうしょ)と 名前(なまえ)を 書(か)いて ください。
Please write your name and address here.
ぜひ 遊(あそ)びに 来(き)て ください。
Please come to my place.

When it is used to ask the listener to do something, すみませんが is often added before V て-form ください as shown in the first example above. This expression is politer than only saying V て-form ください.

[V て-form います] be V-ing
This sentence pattern indicates that a certain action or motion is in progress.
スミスさんは 今(いま) 電話(でんわ)を かけて います。
Mr. Smith is making a phone call now.
今 雨(あめ)が 降(ふ)って いますか。  —はい、降って います。/いいえ、降って いません。
Is it raining now?  —Yes, it is./No, it is not.

September 11th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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