School Blog

Today's Phrase

Let’s learn Japanese language: Lesson 18-(1)

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. We start a new lesson today.
[New verbs]
できます Group II: be able to, can
あらいます/洗います Group I: wash
ひきます/弾きます Group I: play (stringed instrument or piano, etc.)
うたいます/歌います Group I: sing
あつめます/集めます Group II: collect, gather
すてます/捨てます Group II: throw away
かえます/換えます Group II: exchange
うんてんします/運転します Group III: drive
よやくします/予約します Group III: reserve, book
けんがくします/見学します Group III: visit some place for study

[Verb dictionary form]
This form is the basic form of a verb. Verbs are given in this form in the dictionary, hence the name. How to make the dicionary form is given below.
1) Group I
In the verbs of this group, the last sound of the ます-form is always in the い-line. Replace it with the soudn in the う-line to make the dictionary form.
ます → よ
ます → か
はなます → はな

2) Group II
Attach る to the ます-form.
たべます → たべる
ます → みる

3) Group III
します → する
きます → くる

November 7th News from NILS Japanese language school.


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