School Blog

Today's Phrase


Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school.
February 11th is a holiday to wish for the development of Japan as a nation. According to teh ancient historic legend, it was the day that Emperor Jinmu or the first Emperor of Japan ascended to the throne. His reign is said to have started in 660 B.C. Emperor Jinmu built his capital in Yamato, presently an area in Nara Prefecture.

Today, we would like to talk about the Emperor and the imperial family of Japan.
[The Emperor 天皇(てんのう)]
According to Article 1 of the Constitution, the Emperor is defined as “the symbol of the State and of the unitiy of the people, deriving his position from the will of the people with whom resides sovereign power.” The word “symbol” means the Emperor does not have power over governmental affairs but only performs national ceremonial roles as stated in the Constitution. He also caries out traditional Shitnto rituals and prays for the people and te country in the Imperial Palace.

[The Imperial Family 皇室(こうしつ)]
The members of koshitsu are made up of teh Emperor and the Empress, the Crown Prince and his family ad five other court nobles. The range of the imperial family is defined under Imperial House Law. Japan’s imperial family is the oldes hereditary monarch family in the world. The lineage can be traced back to 660 B.C. Under the current law, only men of paternal line can be ascend to the throne. Under the present constitution, imperial family members have the same leagal standing as ordinary citizens withe several exceptions adn privileges. They undertake ceremonial, public and social duties, but have no effective power over governmental affairs. The general practical matters of the imperial family are administered by the Imperial Houshold Agency.

February 8th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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