School Blog

Today's Phrase

A subculture in Japan: 大衆演劇

I assume you appreciate many aspects of Japanese culture.

The expression “Japan Cool” became popular describe pop culture like Anime or Manga..

But, there is a lot more to Japanese popular culture than just Anime

I would like to introduce you one of japan’s subcultures.


Have you heard of a type of entertainment called 大衆演劇(たいしゅうえんげき) (Taishu Engeki: Popular Theater)?

I bet not; since most young people in Japan usually don’t know much about it.

Before television, this form of light theater became very popular.


Most troupes are made of family members and go from one town to another.

The genre includes Japanese traditional theater wearing 着物(きもの)kimono) and enacting historical fictions, and characters represent everyday people.

Sometimes, men play the role of women called 女形(おんながた)Onnagata.


Look at this picture, they are ‘brothers’!






Today was a young boy’s debut.

He is 5 years old. His grandfather is behind him and his father is next to him.

They watched his performance called “Dynamite” by BTS!




There are several theaters dedicated to 大衆演劇(たいしゅうえんげき)Taishi Engeki) in Fukuoka.

I hope you have a chance to visit one.



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