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Leeds City Council Tenancy Agreement

Leeds City Council Tenancy Agreement – Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities

A tenancy agreement is a legally binding document between a landlord and a tenant. It outlines the terms and conditions of renting a property, and it is essential that tenants fully understand their rights and responsibilities before signing the agreement.

The Leeds City Council Tenancy Agreement is a comprehensive document that provides tenants with the necessary information about their tenancy. It covers a range of areas, including rent, repairs and maintenance, subletting, and termination of the tenancy.


The tenancy agreement outlines the rent payable by the tenant, the frequency of rent payments, and the payment method. It is important that tenants understand their obligation to pay rent in full and on time.

Repairs and Maintenance

The landlord is responsible for ensuring that the property is safe and habitable. This means that any repairs or maintenance necessary for the upkeep of the property must be carried out promptly. However, tenants are responsible for notifying the landlord of any damage or issues that require repair.


The tenancy agreement prohibits subletting, which means that tenants cannot rent out their property to other people. If the tenant wishes to sublet the property, they must seek the landlord`s permission first.

Termination of Tenancy

The tenancy agreement outlines the circumstances under which the landlord or tenant can terminate the tenancy. It is important that tenants understand the notice period required to end the tenancy and any penalties that may be incurred for early termination.

Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities

It is important that tenants fully understand their rights and responsibilities under the Leeds City Council Tenancy Agreement. It is advisable to read the agreement carefully and seek clarification on any areas that are unclear.

As a tenant, it is your responsibility to abide by the terms and conditions of the tenancy agreement. Failure to do so may result in legal action being taken against you, such as eviction.


The Leeds City Council Tenancy Agreement is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of renting a property. It is important that tenants understand their rights and responsibilities under the agreement to avoid any legal issues. If you have any questions about your tenancy agreement, do not hesitate to seek clarification from your landlord or a legal professional.


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