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What Is a Domestic Partner Agreement

What Is a Domestic Partner Agreement? A Comprehensive Overview

A domestic partner agreement is a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of two unmarried individuals who live together and share a domestic life. It is a legal agreement that is similar to a prenuptial agreement, but it is designed for couples who are not married and may not have plans to marry.

This type of agreement is becoming increasingly popular among couples who choose to live together without getting married. It can be used to outline financial arrangements, property rights, and other issues that may arise in the course of a domestic partnership.

Who Needs a Domestic Partner Agreement?

Couples who are not legally married but are living together and sharing expenses may need a domestic partner agreement. This includes same-sex couples, unmarried heterosexual couples, and individuals who live with a partner but do not plan to marry.

Some couples may decide that a domestic partner agreement is unnecessary if they have a strong relationship and trust each other. However, it is important to note that not having a domestic partner agreement may leave both parties vulnerable to legal and financial complications in the event of a break-up or death.

What Can Be Included in a Domestic Partner Agreement?

A domestic partner agreement can cover a wide range of issues that may arise in the course of a domestic partnership. Some of the most common issues that are addressed in these agreements include:

1. Financial Arrangements: A domestic partner agreement can outline how expenses will be shared and how income will be divided. It can also include provisions for joint bank accounts, credit card accounts, and other financial arrangements.

2. Property Rights: The agreement can specify how property will be divided in the event of a break-up or death. This includes real property (such as a home), personal property (such as furniture and personal belongings), and financial assets (such as savings and investments).

3. Health Care Decisions: The agreement can include provisions for health care decisions if one partner becomes ill or incapacitated. This can include designating a power of attorney for medical decisions.

4. Inheritance: A domestic partner agreement can address inheritance issues, including how property will be passed down to children or other heirs.

The specifics of what can be included in a domestic partner agreement can vary depending on the specific needs and circumstances of the couple. It is important to work with a qualified attorney when drafting this type of agreement to ensure that it is legally enforceable and covers all necessary issues.

How to Create a Domestic Partner Agreement

Creating a domestic partner agreement typically involves the following steps:

1. Determine what issues need to be addressed in the agreement.

2. Work with a qualified attorney to draft the agreement.

3. Review and revise the agreement as necessary.

4. Have both partners sign and date the agreement in the presence of a witness.

It is important to note that a domestic partner agreement is a legally binding document and should be treated with the same level of seriousness as a prenuptial agreement. Both partners should understand the implications of the agreement and should be willing to abide by its terms.


A domestic partner agreement can provide important legal protections for couples who choose to live together but are not married. It can address a wide range of issues, including financial arrangements, property rights, and health care decisions. Working with a qualified attorney to draft this type of agreement can ensure that both partners are protected and can provide peace of mind in the event of a break-up or death.


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