February 3 is Setsubun.
Setsubun means “the turning point of each season.” Japan has four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. At the beginning of each season, people hold events to drive out bad things from inside their homes and invite in good things, with the hope that they will live healthy and happy lives.
In the past, Setsubun was held four times, but now it is held only at the beginning of spring.
According to the lunar calendar, spring begins around February 4, so Setsubun is usually held around February 3 every year (although it is still cold…!).
In the class, everyone learned about Setsubun.
The character that means something bad in Japan is an ogre. It often appears in anime.
How do we get rid of these demons?
Beans. Sprinkle beans to drive away ogres.
The chant is.
“Oni wa soto~!”
The other chant is.
“Fuku wa~ uchi!”
The word “Fuku” means “happiness,” and is also used in the Chinese character for Fukuoka, where NILS is located.
NILS also held a bean-throwing ceremony in class.
Where they also able to get rid of demons in their bodies and minds?
After throwing beans, it is customary to eat as many beans as the number of one’s age.
Everyone enjoyed the beans. “Please have one bean, teacher. I also received a bean from a student.
今年(ことし)もみなさんに たくさん いいことが ありますように!
Wishing you all many good things this year!
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