School Blog

Today's Phrase

We had a speech contest in NILS Annex!

The speech contest was held in NILS on March 22, for the first time in these 3 years!

Recently, it had been impossible to have this event because of the Covid-19, but we finally could hold the speech contest! All students and teachers were so excited, and students practiced hard for that day.

Everyone looked so confident and be ready to do their speeches!

The person in the middle of the picture is Mr. MAGAR BASANT.

These are the students waiting for their performance turn.

They must be so nervous. They read the scripts for final preparation.


Here is Mr. RAWAT BISHNU KUMAR doing a fist pump with confident expression. Good luck!

Students are performing fluently. It must be a fruit of their hard work!

Here are the seats for judges. They evaluate friends’ speeches carefully. Mr. RAMA SAHIL has an expression as much as to say “Leave it to me!”



Here are the seats for the audience. Students are busy with playing multiple roles; speaker and judge.

All speeches have done and students are waiting for the result from teachers.

“Did you enjoy the contest?” Everyone answered “Yes!”

The results will be announced.

“Who was the best in SK2 class?” Students answered “Ms. WEI HANLI!” The guess was right.

The winner of SK3 class was Ms. DINH THI AN form Vietnam. Congratulations!

Finally, the winner of SK1 class was Mr. RAMA SUBASH. Congratulations!

The winners took a picture together as a commemoration.

They looked very proud, right?

Who is the winner of the next speech contest? … It’s your turn!



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