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Reasons Why Japanese Proficiency Improves Quickly

Hello everyone,

At NILS, our students are dedicated to learning Japanese under the guidance of enthusiastic teachers, working hard on their daily lessons and assignments. It’s surprising to see that some students can start speaking Japanese fluently in a short period. But why is there such a difference in progress among students taking the same classes?

Today, I’d like to share some tips that can help you rapidly improve your Japanese! By actively engaging in the following activities, you can be sure to enhance your Japanese skills. If you want to improve your Japanese quickly, take these suggestions into account.

Tip 1 for Improving Japanese: Focus on School and Home Study

The most important thing is to concentrate on attending NILS Japanese School classes and work hard on the assignments given. Especially when it comes to writing skills, which are difficult to acquire in daily life, it’s essential to practice diligently at school or at home.

Tips for Attending NILS Classes:

  • Avoid Absences : NILS Japanese School has a long history and has accumulated teaching expertise over the years. The curriculum is designed so that you can achieve your goals if you attend all the classes. Missing classes can interrupt the flow of the curriculum, so avoid absences unless absolutely necessary.
  • Focus During Classes: No matter how good the teaching materials and curriculum are, you won’t see results if you don’t focus during classes. Make sure to manage your health to avoid falling asleep in class. Also, using your smartphone during class is strictly prohibited. Turn it off during lessons, and if possible, don’t bring it to school at all.
  • Always Complete Assignments: The curriculum is structured so that by attending classes attentively and completing the assignments (homework) provided, you can achieve the desired results. Make sure to do all of your assignments.

Tip 2 for Improving Japanese: Get a Part-time Job Using Japanese

Students who rapidly become proficient in Japanese often have part-time jobs. A part-time job can be a significant factor in improving your Japanese.

In a work environment where you have to use Japanese, even if it’s challenging, your speaking and listening skills will improve. Especially in customer service jobs, you can develop various conversational skills. If you want to enhance your listening and speaking abilities, consider a part-time job in the service industry. You’ll acquire practical skills that can’t be gained through classroom learning alone.

As a side note, at NILS Japanese School, we introduce trustworthy workplaces to students who wish to find part-time jobs. A good workplace will be mindful of the study environment and ensure that work doesn’t interfere with your studies. If you end up too tired to stay awake in class, it defeats the purpose. NILS Japanese School does not recommend excessive part-time work. If you decide to work, make sure it’s a healthy environment where you can balance work and study, and consider the job content and schedule carefully.

Tip 3 for Improving Japanese: Make Japanese Friends

Improving your Japanese is directly related to how much you use the language. The best way to use Japanese regularly is to make Japanese friends.

Depending on the type of job, a part-time workplace might be a good place to make Japanese friends. Try to actively speak to people in Japanese.

Additionally, becoming friendly with your teachers is another way to improve your Japanese. Don’t just attend classes; actively engage with your teachers outside of class. Don’t hesitate to strike up conversations!

While casual chatting is fine, it’s also very effective to visit the school for self-study and ask teachers questions when you have time. Find time to go for self-study.

It’s different from making Japanese friends, but it’s also beneficial to speak Japanese as much as possible with your roommates who are often students at the Japanese school. This can be mutually beneficial. So give it a try!

Tip 4 for Improving Japanese: Use Online Content

There is a wealth of online resources, including educational materials and videos, that can help you improve your Japanese. Many high-quality, free resources are available that can significantly aid in enhancing your Japanese skills. While music and hobby videos are fun, using your smartphone to achieve your target Japanese level can be very effective.

Especially since NILS Japanese School dormitories offer unlimited free Wi-Fi, you can watch videos to improve your Japanese without worry.

Watching Japanese movies is highly recommended. They’re not only entertaining but also a productive way to spend your time.

There are many videos available on streaming platforms. However, the quality of these videos varies, and some may not be very educational, so be cautious.

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) assesses four skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. It’s important to develop these skills in a balanced manner.

To rapidly and evenly improve your Japanese skills, the key is to build a solid foundation at NILS Japanese School, thoroughly practice reading and writing, and frequently interact with native Japanese speakers.

On your days off, it’s a good idea to go out and explore different places. This will increase your opportunities for conversation. Also, as you start to understand more Japanese, you’ll find that even visiting the same places feels different.

Make the most of your study abroad experience in Japan. Through various experiences and learning opportunities, fully immerse yourself in the wonders of Japan.

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