School Blog

Today's Phrase

Gracie’s Speech

Today, Gracie-san from the United States, who learned Japanese language for the last two months, made a speech in Japanese about some of the activities during her study at NILS. The followings are her speech in Japanese and in English.


Greetings, my name is Gracie Moreyra. I was born in America but now I currently live in Argentina, therefore I speak Spanish and English. I’m 20 years old and I’m in my third year of architecture. I love eating candy especially chocolates. Pleasure to meet you.
I came to Japan December 22nd 2011. I studied Japanese at NILS Japnaese language school for 2 months. Japanese was hard to learn but very interesting and fun at the same time. Every week we had an activity where, for example, we went to Tenjin’s Jinja (shrines), painted Hakata dolls or listen to Ogori’s students’ speeches. But if I had to choose my favorite activity, then it would probably be the one we did on January 25th. With Shimugawa-sensei and my classmates, we went to Tenjin where we first went Fukuoka Citizens’ Disaster Prevention Center. Here we did fire and earthquake drill, and we also did a building evacuation drill; it was fun and intertaining. After that we went to TNC kaikan, were we went to the Robot Square. We got to play with tons of robots and also got to see a geisha robot show which was very interesting. Finally we went to Fukuoka tower which is about 123 mts tall. Got to see a lot of Fukuoka City, which was very pretty. We took tons of pictures and had tons of fun.
Overall I can say that my Japan trip was exciting. Everyone has always been so nice and patient. I loved Japanese food, got to eat tons of it!. I really want to come back one day; I still want to go to Kyoto and Nara and also see the cherry blossoms bloom. I will do my best to come again! Thank you.

Gracie’s Speech


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