School Blog

Today's Phrase

NILS Activity: 書道

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. Today’s topic is one of the NILS activities: Brush calligraphy, one of the most popular activities among students learning Japanese language in the short term program. They have never had an experience in writing letters with brushes (fude 筆) and India ink (sumi 墨).
Brush calligraphy was imported from China during the 8th century. But in the 9th century when the Japanese original letters of hiragana and katakana were invented, calligraphy masters developed the unique Japansese style of writing called wayo (和様). Today, brush calligraphy is a required subject for elementary school and junior high school students. It is also taught at private calliegraphy schools throughout Japan. Many contests and exhibitions are held every year.

Following is a comment from Liel-san, from Israel. She gave us the comment both in English and Japanese.

120229e69bb8e98193e38080liel0031“The explanation about the しょどう was clear and understood. It was fun to paint like this with a special brush.

Mar. 5th News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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