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Today's Phrase

Religions in Japan

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. Today’s topic is religions in Japan.
After the World War II, religious freedom was guaranteed by the Japanese Constitution. Since Japan has no official religion, there is therefore no official relationship between the nation’s politics and its religions. The two major religions in Japan are Shinto and Buddhism. Shinto is a folk religioin of Japan. SInce Buddhism was brought into Japan in the 6th century, the two religions have influenced one another and existed together in the everyday life of the Japanese. This is called the “syncretization of Shinto with Buddhism.” Most Japanese experience both Shinto and Buddhist rituals and ceremonies in their life. For instance, the same person would go to a wedding at a Shinto Shrine and hold a funeral at a Buddhist temple. It is also very common to have both Shinto and Buddhist altars in a house. It is ofthen said that Japanese tolerant attitudes towords religions were formed by the polytheistic nature of Shinto.

March 22nd News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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