School Blog

Today's Phrase

どうぞ, Please

Hello, I am Yoshi from NILS Japanese language school. Today’s phrase in Japanese is Dozo どうぞ.
Dozo どうぞ by itself is most often used when one invites someone to do something, e.g., when a host or hostess invites a guest to come in, or when one offers someone something such as food, a beverage, or a cigarrette. Offering something to someone is really like inviting that person to have and enjoy the item offered.
Dozo by itself rarely functions as a request. It may, however, be attached to a request.

[Example 1]
Dozo onegai-shimasu.
Please do me this favor.

[Example 2]
Dozo okamai naku.
Please don’t bother.

English-speaking students of Japanese often make the error of assuming that dozo makes requests more polite, as does “please” in English. Adding dozo to a request, does not make it any more polite — it just intensifies it. For instance, in [Example 1] above, the politeness lies not in the word Dozo, but in the verb onegai-shimasu (literally, “I humbly request”), wichi is the polite-humble form of negau 願う “to request.” In fact, Japanese polite requests are uttered more often without dozo than English polite requests are made without “please.”

March 23rd News, from NILS Japanese language school.


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