Full-time Intensive Programs [General ・College・university preparatory course]

Our Full-time Intensive Programs are for students who wish to achieve a high level of proficiency in Japanese. Our regular lessons cover all skills – reading and listening comprehension, writing, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. However, we also strive to provide fun activities to enhance your understanding of the Japanese language and culture.
All our classes in this program are taught in Japanese to familiarize students to think and problem solve in Japanese. From our experience, this method is highly effective in improving our students’ linguistic skills in a speedy fashion. However, we welcome students to ask any question in English after class.
We have witnessed that even the beginners can progress to the intermediate level by taking 12-months program. Within a year, we expect these students to be able to talk about their daily life, family, friends, and to articulate their future plans.
Those students who wish to go to universities and colleges or vocational schools in Japan typically sign up for 18 and 24-months options. For this purpose, in addition to regular lessons, the program provides intensive JLPT and EJU preparation classes.
We are proud to report that most of our students passed the entrance examinations to the universities, colleges or vocational schools of their choice. We believe this is a result of our FREE additional guidance seminars, workshops and supplemental classes.
A student visa is required to enroll in the Full-time Intensive programs.
General Japanese course 12 months (Beginner)
General Japanese course 12 months (Intermediate)
Short Term Program [Conversation & Japanese culture learning]

Our short-term course is designed for students who wish to improve their Japanese conversational skills in a relatively short period of time and to learn the Japanese culture. A student visa is not required to enroll in this program. You can also participate in a number of extra curricular activities such as visiting a Sumo tournament, museums, and festivals. Have fun!
Program list
- Fulltime-Intensive Program
- Short-Term Program
Program Fulltime-Intensive Program General Japanese
CourseHigher Education
University CoursePeriod 12 months 15 months 18 months 21 months 24 months Visa Required Starting months April,July,October,
JanuaryJanuary April,October July April Prerequisite None JLPT N5 or
NILS placement test
70% or higherNone JLPT N5 or
NILS placement test
70% or higherNone Qualifying age Minimum age of 18 JLPT/EJU JLPT N3-N4 JLPT N3-N4+EJU JLPT N2-N3+EJU JLPT N1-N2 +EJU JLPT N1-N2 +EJU Speaking/
ConversationReading Listening/
pronunciationWriting Grammar and vocabulary Japanese cultural activity -
Program Short-Term Program
- Regular courseConversation & Japanese culture learning Period 1-12 weeks Visa - For students who are from visa waiver countries : None
- For students who are not from visa waiver countries : Tourist visa- Working holiday visa
Qualifying age Minimum age of 16 JLPT/EJU ----- Speaking/
ConversationReading Listening/
pronunciationWriting Grammar and vocabulary Japanese cultural activity