School Activity Report

Today's Phrase

Hakata Doll

I really loved being able to see all the different kinds of dolls there are and how much detail was put into each of them.

Some of the dolls had so much detail that it was amazing to think that someone hand painted all of them.

There were dolls from classic folktales, dolls that were more modern, and elaborate geisha dolls.

They have so many different dolls you can choose to paint as well!

The lady who worked in the shop was very kind and told us different techniques we could use while painting our dolls, and let us see some of the examples as we painted.

It was difficult to choose what colors I wanted to paint my doll and in the end I realized how difficult it must be to paint the kinds of dolls they sell. I hope one day I can paint another Hakata Doll and use the techniques I learned that day!



Washi Making

Today we got to visit a museum that allows you to make your own washi which is traditional paper made from the bark of the gampi tree.
There were many different styles of paper craft you could choose to make using washi.
I chose to make a fan, but you could make bookmarks, name cards, postcards and a few others. 写真 2015-05-18 18 12 41
To make the fan I had to first coat a wire mesh frame in the tub of pulp and water,
put the fans frame inside and then coat the frame a few more times with the pulp.
While the paper was still wet we got to add dried flowers and leaves to create our own design.
It was difficult to choose how to decorate it because there were so many options!
When we finished decorating they took our designs to dry, which took a while. While we waited we walked around the museum and got to see a traditional wooden puppet theater.
We were able to go under the stage where is where they would move the puppets by pushing or pulling pieces of wood or strings.
The dolls were really hard to move so the people who would put on the plays must have been very strong. Afterwards we looked at the buddhist altars and other famous Japanese crafts.
We also were able to visit the gift shop before we left. I bought Yame cities famous matcha as a gift as well as matcha curry which should be interesting to try!


This week we visited a Japanese garden called Yuusentei. ???????????????????????????????

It was a lovely sunny day, and the garden was green and beautiful.

We were very lucky to see two couples having their wedding photos taken at the gardens!

The brides were beautiful and it was nice to see them all dressed up in their lovely kimonos.


The walk around the garden was very peaceful, and we could hear the relaxing sound of the waterfall from all around the garden.

Hirose Sensei bought us some food to feed to the koi in the large pond.

You could get right up close to them, and a couple of the girls even patted them! ???????????????????????????????

It was all fun until the fish made a big splash and Jessica got all wet…twice!

It was very funny.


After walking around the gardens we enjoyed a tea ceremony.

We didn’t actually get to see the green tea being made, but we practiced the words and rules of drinking tea at a tea ceremony, while overlooking the beautiful garden.

It was a wonderful and relaxing day!




Kushida shrine

This week we went to the Hakata Folk Museum and Kushida Shrine.???????????????????????????????



At the museum we saw some displays of what life was like in old Hakata.

We learnt about the Hakata Yamakasa Festival which happens every year in July.

It was interesting to hear about the history of this festival, and to see the amount of time and effort that goes into preparing for it every year.

I am really happy to see such old traditions preserved, alive and well, in modern day Japan.


Also at the museum we got to try using the loom to make Hakata Ori textiles. ???????????????????????????????

It was a very interesting experience, but I don’t think I’m very good at it!



Afterwards we walked across the street to the Kushida Shrine. We purified ourselves by washing our hands before we entered, then prayed. We practised all the correct techniques at school before we left which was very helpful. We also got Omikuji (fortunes). Mine was Very Lucky so I’m very happy!                    ―――susan



plastic food

Our activity this week was to go to a place that makes plastic food for display in restaurant windows.

We were all able to create our own “Parfait” to take home with us. ???????????????????????????????

This activity was so creative and so much fun!!
We got to choose the shape of our parfait cup, the flavour (colour) of the sauce in the bottom, and the toppings we wanted to put on (within our given budget).

There were so many toppings to choose from (which actually made making a decision quite difficult), and they all looked so real. It was quite incredible.

We helped to pour the “icecream” into our cups, then we got to decorate using our chosen toppings.
We were able to take photos with any of the items in the store which was very fun.
After we had all made our parfaits, we were treated to a live performance of how a few different foods are made.

The man used wax (nowadays they usually use plastic since the wax melts when the weather gets really hot) to create tempura, lettuce and a fried egg. Some of us even got to have a go at making a lettuce.
We were all disappointed when the activity was over – everyone wanted to do it again!!

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food sample–RIKI

We got to make our own food examples ! ???????????????????????????????


Here in Japan I see them in so many restaurants,

I always ask myself how people make these and today I finally got the answer.


We made our own Parfaits and they look so real. 写真 2015-04-21 14 51 57

The place in wich we made them was full of food examples,

from sweet candy, to fruits, sushi, vegetables, meat and seafood, everything looked so real.

I’m glad that I finally have my own Parfait example 🙂     ——Katie



Before going to Riki, I thought that it was just going to be a little fun.

When I went though, it was probably my favorite activity I’ve done so far. ???????????????????????????????


The two owners of the shop were very funny and entertaining but were still very good at what they do.

They let me make the fake lettuce which was so amazing.

It was interesting to hear how they had come up with their own new techniques that no one else in the world had done before.

It made me have  new appreciation for the sample foods and made me really want to learn how to make more myself!          ———–Matthew

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Yusentei park

This week’s activity was to go to Yusentei Park to experience a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. ???????????????????????????????

The park consists of a small pond hidden away from the rest of Fukuoka City behind a ring of trees. A Kabukimon gate marks the entrance of the park. A tree lined path lies beyond the gate which encircles the lake. We were able to walk around the lake, see the beautiful natural scenery— including a waterfall and several natural streams which feed the pond, as well as feed the koi fish in the pond.


After we experienced the natural beauty of the park we entered a Shozanan Douzen Koji, which was the room where we had the tea ceremony. Green tea was served and consumed in the manner of a traditional tea ceremony. It was really relaxing to enjoy the tea in the open aired building while sitting on tatami mats. The tea was delicious and quite possibly was the best green tea I have tried in all of Japan.


We followed the traditional Japanese method of tea service which starts with us saying “おてまえちょうだいいたします”, lifting the tea cup with our right hand to place on our left hand, and turning to display the artwork on the cup. We then drink the tea, clean the cup where our lips touched, and continue to turn the cup to finish the 360 degrees. “おいしゅございました” is said and we replace the cup.


It was a new experience for me to have tea ceremony but relaxing. I am glad to have been able to try a tea ceremony.



 Hirose-sensei took us to サンプル Riki to see how wax food displays are created and then we got to make our own fake parfaits!
 The owners of the shop were so funny and really considerate of us.???????????????????????????????
 They showed us how to make different kinds of wax foods like lettuce and tempura and even let us try making the lettuce ourselves.
It looked really difficult ♪♪
They also spoke slowly and clearly and I could understand some of the things they were saying even though I haven’t been studying very long so that was really cool.
They have hundreds of different “toppings” we could choose to put on our parfaits.
I think we spent more time choosing the toppings we wanted than anything!
Afterwards they let us take photos of all of our parfaits together and then with some of the other fake foods they have made.
They even gave us funny headbands and glasses to wear to take photos with too, it was a lot of fun. I’ve always wanted to see how these kinds of things are made and I’m glad I got to go with such great people!
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Hakata Doll #2

In addition to the extensive classroom lessons, NILS offers weekly Japanese cultural activities. It’s been a great way to get out of the classroom and use some of the Japanese we’ve learned in real-world scenarios while also learning about the unique culture of Fukuoka City.


This week we went to Hakata to paint the famous Hakata dolls. We visited a shop where artists intricately design and paint all shapes and sizes of Hakata dolls, ranging from cute kimono dressed women to masculine and aggressive looking sumo wrestlers.


After seeing how the Hakata dolls were painted we were able to pick our own Hakata doll and paint it with our own design— I painted an cute old man! It was a relaxing experience and a nice break from from the sometimes challenging languages lessons in the classrooms.


After we painted our dolls we were allowed to take our painted Hakata Dolls home after the activity. My family thought it was really cute and made sure to display it in our house. In addition to the learning about the cultural significance of Hakata Dolls, it was nice to bring home a souvenir from the class.


The cultural activities at NILS are enjoyable and I look forward to upcoming activities.


Hakata Doll

Our activity this week was to go to a Hakata Dolls shop and paint our own Hakata Doll.


We learnt the history of Hakata Dolls at school before we left for the shop.

That was really interesting. The shop was amazing and the dolls on display are real works of art. ???????????????????????????????

We got to choose which doll shape we wanted to make, and then we sat down to paint them.

There was a huge selection of paint colors to choose from which was really great,but it was difficult to decide the best colors to use!


The painting was really enjoyable and relaxing – and it was great to get everyone else’s opinions if you were having trouble choosing a color or something.

Everyone’s finished dolls were really individual and it was great to have our very own doll to take home at the end of the session – a great reminder of a great day.




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