School Activity Report

Today's Phrase

バス ハイク (Bus Hike)

この日は、今のグループの最後(2018年11月)のアクティビティでした。 大分県の耶馬渓という自然が豊かで、紅葉がきれいなところへ行きました。

This was the final day (November 2018) for our current group.  We visited a bit further place called, “Yabakei” where has a lot of nature with the colourful leaves in Oita.

「私たちは、いいちこ焼酎蒸留所を訪問しました。 そこでバイキング形式のおいしい昼食をとりました。」

“The tour visited the Ichiigo Shochu Distillery, then we stopped for a very good lunch at the Viking Restaurant.”

「昼食後、秋の紅葉を観に耶馬渓へ行きました。 ここは、山間に谷があり、様々な彩の木々があり、特徴のある岩の山肌があるところです。」

“After lunch we visited Yabakei to view autumn leaves. Yabakei is located in a very scenic valley with a lot of autumn colour and interesting rock formations.”

「そして滝が見え、深い谷にかかる九重夢大橋を渡りました。 ここから阿蘇山を見ることができます。」

”After that we visited the Kokonoe Yume Grand Suspension bridge which crosses a steep valley with waterfalls at one end. From this area Mt. Aso can be seen.”


“This was a long but most enjoyable trip.”

ラーメン・餃子(Ramen, Gyoza)

今回は、日本の代表的食べ物、ラーメンと餃子作りに挑戦です! どちらとも中国から伝わったものですが、日本独特のものにアレンジして、全国各地で異なる作り方、味が楽しめます。

Our students tried to make “Rahmen” and “Gyohza”. Both came from China and we arranged the ways of making in different places in Japan. So you can enjoy various tastes of these food in all over Japan.

「私たちは、小麦粉と塩水を混ぜてラーメン生地を作りました。 そして、しばらく置いておき、パスタマシンで麺を作りました。」

“We made ramen noodles by mixing flour and salty water, then resting the mixture and passing it through a pasta-making machine.”


“While the noodle dough was resting we made gyoza by rolling the dough into discs and 

filling with a pork mixture.”

「ラーメンの麺は、熱湯に入れて作り、餃子は、焼いたり蒸したりしました。 麺は予め作られたスープに入れました。 私たちは、作ったラーメンと餃子を食べました。」 楽しいアクティビティでした。」

“The ramen noodles were cooked in boiling water and the gyoza were fried and steamed. The noodles were added to a prepared soup. The ramen and gyoza were then eaten by the students. This was an interesting activity.”


日本の踊り(Japanese Traditional Dance)

今回は、浴衣+踊りの体験をしました。 「浴衣」は、お祭りの時に着る、和服よりも薄手の動きやすい着物です。 これらを着て、日本の踊りの踊り方を体験しました。 

We experienced “Yukata” cloths and traditional dance this time.  “Yukata” is s simple Japanese cloths as you can see in the photos below. We wore them and practice the dance dance.



“We were greeted by our hostess for the afternoon – Yushiro Fujima sensei, who is a Traditional Japanese Dance Professional.”


“By way of introduction, Yushiro sensei performed demonstrations of both men’s and women’s dances.”


“We were then dressed in beautiful yukata and kimono, and then shown the basics of various dance steps.”


“After some practice, Yushiro sensei led us through some dance sequences.”

「私たちは、浴衣や着物を着て、踊りを踊って楽しかったです。 先生はとても大らかで楽しい方です。」

“We had quite a bit of fun dressing in the costumes provided and performing the dances. Our sensei is a very lively and entertaining character.”


“This was an enjoyable activity that gave us some insight into the complexity of Traditional Japanese Dance.”

日本人形ペイント(Japanese Doll Painting)

学生の日本文化体験は続きます。 今回は、日本人形に色を付ける体験です。

Our students’ Japanese culture experience is going on! They tried to paint Japanese traditional dolls this time.


「私たちは、1時に大橋駅で待ち合わせ、電車で天神へ行きました。 そこから博多人形館へ歩いて15分でした。 好きな粘土の人形を選んで、色を付けました。1時間くらいかかりました。 急いで塗らなければなりませんでした。 創造的で楽しいアクティビティでした。

“We met at Ohashi Station at 1:00pm and went by train to Nishitetsu Tenjin Station. From there we walked about 15 minutes to Hakata Doll Shop. We selected clay dolls we liked and had one hour to paint them. We had to work fast. It was a creative and fun activity.”

伝統工芸館(Japanese traditional crafts museum)

前回の寿司作りに続き、今回は、八女の伝統工芸館へ行き、和紙作りを体験しました。 「和」という漢字は、他の国に対して、「日本の」という意味があり、「和食」「和服」など、日本の食べ物・服の総称としても使われます。 なので、「和紙」というのは日本独特の紙のことです。

Our students experienced another Japanese making followed by Sushi making. We visited a Japanese traditional crafts museum in Yame city. The Kanji, “和(wa)” means “Japanese” compared with other countries. So “和食(wa-shoku)” means Japanese food, “和服(wa-fuku)” represents “Japanese cloths. ”和紙” is Japanese traditional paper.


Here is a comment from our students.

「私たちは、午後1時に大橋駅に集合し、急行電車で久留米に行きました。 そして八女行きのバスに乗り換え、八女バス停留所から伝統工芸館まで歩きました。 2時間かかりました。

“We met at Ohashi Station at 1:00pm and went by express train to Kurume, where we transferred to a bus to Yame, then walked to the Craft Centre. Total travel time was about 2 hours.”


“At the craft centre we were given the choice of creating post cards, book marks or business cards from hand-made paper.”

紙作りの工程は、あらかじめ用意されたパルプに型枠を入れ、その型枠を前後左右に動かして、平らにすることから始まります。 そして、まだ水分がある紙に、花、葉などの乾いた植物を乗せます。

“The process of paper making proceeded using prepared pulp which we scooped up into screens and levelled by agitating. We then added dried botanical items such as flowers, grasses and leaves to the wet paper. The staff then coated and dried our creations to finish the process.”

紙が乾くまでの間、私たちは、工芸館の展示物を見学したり、館内のショップに行ったりしました。 長い旅行でしたが、楽しかったです。

“While the coating and drying progressed we visited the museum and various displays and shops. It was a long trip, but a fun activity.”





Yatai (屋台)

今回、私たちは、有名な「屋台」に行きました。 「屋台」は、日が暮れる時間に道沿いの歩道へお店を出す、独特のもので、福岡は、特にラーメン屋が多いです。 学生の印象を読んで行きたくなるかも...。

We went “Yatai” Tenjin area and had food there. “Yatai” is one of the traditional Japanese Food stand and Fukuoka ones are quite well-known in Japan. Our student’s comment might make you die for the food in the photos!

「今日は、5時30分発天神行きの電車に乗り、屋台へ向けて出発しました。 屋台があるところは、西鉄天神駅から5分の距離です。

私たちが入ろうと思った屋台は、4人の日本語学校のフランス人学生がやっている屋台でした。 たくさんの種類の食べ物があり、私たちは牛肉、豚肉、鶏肉、エビ、マッシュルームが入ったものを注文しました。 全部おいしく、それぞれの味を楽しみました。」

“We departed Ohashi Station by train at 5:30pm for Tenjin. The Yatai area was a short walk of about 5 minutes from Nishitetsu Tenjin Station.

The Yatai at which we decided to eat was run by a team of four French men who were Japanese language students. There was a large range of foods available and we chose a selection that included beef, pork, chicken, shrimp and mushrooms. All of the foods were very tasty and we enjoyed each one.”


「屋台で食事をとった後、私たちは、食後のコーヒーをカフェで飲み、帰宅しました。 たくさんの外国人が経験したことがない、地元の屋台での食事を楽しむことができました。 とっても楽しかったです。」

“After eating we went to a coffee shop for a coffee before returning home. This was a great way to enjoy a local Japanese street food stall that most foreigners would not experience. Most enjoyable.”

Sushi Making

今回は、日本食の代表の一つである寿司作りに挑戦しました。 寿司作りがどのようなものか、参加した学生のコメントを読んだり、写真を見たりして感じてください。

Our students challenged Sushi making this time. Imagine how to make Sushi, one of the typical Japanese foods, through a comment from our student below.



“We travelled by train from Ohashi Station to Tenjin and from there it was about a 10 Minute walk to the workshop venue at Suito Fukuoka.”


「まず、インストラクターの先生から、すし用ご飯の作り方、そして実際に使う魚の種類について教えてもらいました。 さあ、ここから私たちの体験の始まりです。 まず、すし飯の準備、一貫分の分量(15g)の取り方、形の作り方を学びました。」

“The instructor first explained to us about the ingredients required for making sushi rice and the types of fish we would use in the class. It was then time to get busy with the hands-on lesson in sushi making. We learned first how to prepare the rice and then select the correct amount (15g) to use for a single bite size hand-rolled sushi piece and mould it to the required shape.”


「次に、ネタを選び、それをすし飯の上に重ねる前にわさびを乗せます。 ネタを重ねるまでの正しい作り方を先生がデモンストレーションした後で、私たちは、六貫のすし作りをしました。」

“Next the seafood topping piece is selected and wasabi added to it before applying it to the rice. The correct method for producing the finished piece of sushi after the seafood was applied to the rice was demonstrated and we practiced by making 6 pieces.”


「その後、私たちは、『カリフォルニア・ロール』で知られるすしに似ている、『巻きずし』の作り方も教えてもらいました。 これは、わさびとすし飯に魚介を入れたものを1枚ののりに乗せ、巻き簀で巻き、ロール状にし、短く切ります。 80gのすし飯で6個の巻きずしができます。」

“Next we learned how to make a thin makizushi, which is similar to the sushi known in western cultures as a California Roll. Basically it involves rolling seafood with wasabi and rice in a sheet of nori using a bamboo sushi mat and then cutting the roll to size. 80g of rice will produce six bite-sized pieces.”


「今日は、形式的ではなく、エンターテインメント的な活動でした。 最後に、私たちが作ったもの(すし)を食べることができてうれしかったです。」

“This was a very informative and entertaining activity, and at the end we were pleased to be able to eat our creations.”

Enjoy Bowling


Kyle-san sent us his comment about the activity in Japanese again!



I went bowling at the local bowling alley with Florian, Ms. Ogawa, and Mr. Hayashi. It had been a long time since I last went bowling. Bowling is very common in the U.S. so I have done it many times, but I am not very good at it. We rented shoes and went up to the 4th floor to play. There were not many people, but we did share our spot with another group. While I started out weak, towards the end of the first game I turned it around and managed to take second place. Mr. Hayashi played a really good game and got 150 points. I had heard that he was good at bowling and that game didn’t disappoint. The second game I did a little bit worse and I could never make up the points. Florian ended up in second place at the end and I was in third. I was a little disappointed by the results. After the games we tried playing the punching game in the lobby. Myself and Florian took turns punching the machine and trying to get a good score. The highest I got was around 550, while Florian got just under 800. This was the last time I would see him, so it was nice to have fun together one last time. —Kyle, US.


Cooking Ramen


Last week’s activity of the short-term program was cooking Ramen, one of the most popular cuisine in Fukuoka. We introduce the student’s comment about the activity. He wrote the comment both in Japanese and in English. He is now studying Japanese to prepare for the JLPT N2.




このラーメン体験は本当によかったと思います。また自分で麺を作りたいなと思っています。(Original text)

This was my first time making noodles by hand, so I was very excited to try it. I got up at my usual time and took the train to Takeshita station. It was extraordinarily hot that day as I walked from Takeshita to Ohashi. I met with Ms. Ogata and we chatted as we rode the bus to the kitchen near Hakata. At the location, there were mostly children. It was very noisy as the children were excited and couldn’t settle down. There was a family at the same table as myself and Ms. Ogata. The family was a mother and her 2 sons, both elementary school age. The instructor for the event began by explaining some safety rules. Some things were hard to hear over the children, but overall I could understand.

The first task we did was making the dough for the noodles. I kneaded the dough with water until it was firm. It was very tiring. We then set the dough aside in a plastic bag for later. The next step was making the gyoza. We rolled out the wrappers for the gyoza with a small rolling pin. I noticed mine were not very pretty. I was told it was ok, but it made me want to do better. We then put the filling on the wrappers. The filling was provided by the kitchen, but I wish I could have made it myself. We had to apply some oil from the filling to the outside of the wrappers using a spoon, which I found difficult to do. Then, we folded the gyoza closed and pinched them to make the traditional gyoza shape, and set them aside for grilling later.

Next, I was asked to take off my shoes and stomp on the noodle dough to flatten it. This was a new experience for me. It was a little bit slippery. The next step was cutting the dough into four equal pieces and then putting it through the pasta machine. First we used the basic machine to flatten the dough more and more until it was very thin. Next we added the noodle attachment and put the flat pieces in to make actual ramen shaped noodles. This was a very interesting experience for me and made me wish I had my own pasta machine. After making the noodles, one of the staff members readied the grill and we put all the gyoza on to cook them. While they were cooking, many groups would go to the front of the kitchen and cook the noodles. It only takes 10 seconds in boiling water to cook ramen noodles. I was surprised at how quick it is. The soup and toppings were also prepared by the kitchen, so after cooking the noodles we just put on whatever toppings we liked, took the gyoza from the grill, and sat down to eat. They turned out pretty well. I took home a portion of the noodles I made and had some of them for dinner that night.

I had a good time making noodles and want to try it again on my own some time.  —Kyle, USA

Yamakasa Festival ~山笠~


Yamakasa is one of the three major festivals in Fukuoka. Our students went to see its climax with a spectacular time trial race in the early morning hours on July 15.

Here is a comment from one of our students.

”The Yamakasa Festival was a once in a lifetime experience. The morning started earlier than most with the alarm ringing at 3 am to indicate that it was time to head to Fukuoka City. With Ogawa-Sensei and Hayashi-Sensei we met up with two other NILS students and made our way with the crowds to the centralized places where we could see the races. It was a very lively festival, with plenty food and crowds of people.  The races started at 4:59 where 6 teams would find out which was the fastest. Each team carried Kayikamas, decorated floats that each weigh about 1000 kg (2000 lbs) and are timed as they run them through the city for a certain distance.  It seemed as though each team has around 100 members divided into around 50 carriers, 2-4 people who sit in the Kayikama and direct the runners, and then tens of people running with the carriers. There was a lot of shouting and drumming which transferred energy to the contestants and crowds. During the race there were people who threw big buckets of water on the runners. Ogawa-sensei said it was called “chikara water” (power water) to give power to the runners. I liked this detail because it seems like a nice gesture for the runners. The races ended at around 6:00 am after which people dispersed into the restaurants to eat, and the winners get free meal which is prepared at tables for them at a local spot. It was a wonderful experience and a very fun tradition to witness.


—Mariela, US



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