This is my very first time that I visit Japan, so I was even more exited for attending my very first school activity at NILS.
For this weeks activity Hirosei-sensei took me to Dazaifu to see the ”Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine”.
First we had to pass a short street filled with tourits (mostly from Korea and China) and wich was surounded by many little souvenir shops.
When we reached the Tenmangu Shrine I was impressed by it’s beauty.
The Tenmangu Shrine is sacred to the memory of Michizane Sugawara wich is also known as ”the god of learning”.
I learned a lot about Michizane Sugawaras life story that day. We also visited the Kyushu National Museum wich I found very interesting.
At the end of the trip we got some mochi [japanese rice cake] (it was still warm wich made it even more delicous than it already was!) and with it a cup of Matcha [japanese green tea] (also very delicous!).
My first activity with Hirosei-sensei was great, I like to learn more about japanese traditions and culture, so I’m already exited for the up coming activitys.