School Activity Report

Today's Phrase


 Hirose-sensei took us to サンプル Riki to see how wax food displays are created and then we got to make our own fake parfaits!
 The owners of the shop were so funny and really considerate of us.???????????????????????????????
 They showed us how to make different kinds of wax foods like lettuce and tempura and even let us try making the lettuce ourselves.
It looked really difficult ♪♪
They also spoke slowly and clearly and I could understand some of the things they were saying even though I haven’t been studying very long so that was really cool.
They have hundreds of different “toppings” we could choose to put on our parfaits.
I think we spent more time choosing the toppings we wanted than anything!
Afterwards they let us take photos of all of our parfaits together and then with some of the other fake foods they have made.
They even gave us funny headbands and glasses to wear to take photos with too, it was a lot of fun. I’ve always wanted to see how these kinds of things are made and I’m glad I got to go with such great people!
写真 2015-04-21 15 06 10

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