Our activity this week was to go to a place that makes plastic food for display in restaurant windows.
We were all able to create our own “Parfait” to take home with us.
This activity was so creative and so much fun!!
We got to choose the shape of our parfait cup, the flavour (colour) of the sauce in the bottom, and the toppings we wanted to put on (within our given budget).
There were so many toppings to choose from (which actually made making a decision quite difficult), and they all looked so real. It was quite incredible.
We helped to pour the “icecream” into our cups, then we got to decorate using our chosen toppings.
We were able to take photos with any of the items in the store which was very fun.
After we had all made our parfaits, we were treated to a live performance of how a few different foods are made.
The man used wax (nowadays they usually use plastic since the wax melts when the weather gets really hot) to create tempura, lettuce and a fried egg. Some of us even got to have a go at making a lettuce.
We were all disappointed when the activity was over – everyone wanted to do it again!!