School Activity Report

Today's Phrase

food sample–RIKI

We got to make our own food examples ! ???????????????????????????????


Here in Japan I see them in so many restaurants,

I always ask myself how people make these and today I finally got the answer.


We made our own Parfaits and they look so real. 写真 2015-04-21 14 51 57

The place in wich we made them was full of food examples,

from sweet candy, to fruits, sushi, vegetables, meat and seafood, everything looked so real.

I’m glad that I finally have my own Parfait example 🙂     ——Katie



Before going to Riki, I thought that it was just going to be a little fun.

When I went though, it was probably my favorite activity I’ve done so far. ???????????????????????????????


The two owners of the shop were very funny and entertaining but were still very good at what they do.

They let me make the fake lettuce which was so amazing.

It was interesting to hear how they had come up with their own new techniques that no one else in the world had done before.

It made me have  new appreciation for the sample foods and made me really want to learn how to make more myself!          ———–Matthew

写真 2015-04-21 15 12 01


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