This week’s activity was to go to Yusentei Park to experience a traditional Japanese tea ceremony.
The park consists of a small pond hidden away from the rest of Fukuoka City behind a ring of trees. A Kabukimon gate marks the entrance of the park. A tree lined path lies beyond the gate which encircles the lake. We were able to walk around the lake, see the beautiful natural scenery— including a waterfall and several natural streams which feed the pond, as well as feed the koi fish in the pond.
After we experienced the natural beauty of the park we entered a Shozanan Douzen Koji, which was the room where we had the tea ceremony. Green tea was served and consumed in the manner of a traditional tea ceremony. It was really relaxing to enjoy the tea in the open aired building while sitting on tatami mats. The tea was delicious and quite possibly was the best green tea I have tried in all of Japan.
We followed the traditional Japanese method of tea service which starts with us saying “おてまえちょうだいいたします”, lifting the tea cup with our right hand to place on our left hand, and turning to display the artwork on the cup. We then drink the tea, clean the cup where our lips touched, and continue to turn the cup to finish the 360 degrees. “おいしゅございました” is said and we replace the cup.
It was a new experience for me to have tea ceremony but relaxing. I am glad to have been able to try a tea ceremony.