School Activity Report

Today's Phrase

Washi Making

Today we got to visit a museum that allows you to make your own washi which is traditional paper made from the bark of the gampi tree.
There were many different styles of paper craft you could choose to make using washi.
I chose to make a fan, but you could make bookmarks, name cards, postcards and a few others. 写真 2015-05-18 18 12 41
To make the fan I had to first coat a wire mesh frame in the tub of pulp and water,
put the fans frame inside and then coat the frame a few more times with the pulp.
While the paper was still wet we got to add dried flowers and leaves to create our own design.
It was difficult to choose how to decorate it because there were so many options!
When we finished decorating they took our designs to dry, which took a while. While we waited we walked around the museum and got to see a traditional wooden puppet theater.
We were able to go under the stage where is where they would move the puppets by pushing or pulling pieces of wood or strings.
The dolls were really hard to move so the people who would put on the plays must have been very strong. Afterwards we looked at the buddhist altars and other famous Japanese crafts.
We also were able to visit the gift shop before we left. I bought Yame cities famous matcha as a gift as well as matcha curry which should be interesting to try!

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