School Activity Report

Today's Phrase

Dazaifu and Kyushu National Museum

For our first week’s activity, we went to Dazaifu Tanmangu and the Kyushu National Museum. 写真 2015-06-09 15 00 32 (1)
The shrine, dedicated to Sugawara Michizane, was extraordinarily beautiful.
Michizane was a very renowned Japanese poem writer and a devoted scholar.
The shrine itself was built upon his grave, and many people go there to pray every day.
Throughout the entire shrine and surrounding gardens, there are many different species of plum trees.
Unfortunately, they were not in bloom when we went. Even so, the gardens and ponds were some of the most tranquil, if not the most, I have ever seen.
A 10 minute walk from the shrine is the Kyushu National Museum.
Even though the building itself is immense, the number of exhibits are surprisingly few. I myself am not very fond of museums, especially ones where I cannot read the descriptions on more than half of the exhibits, barring the names. Even so, this museum has some very interesting items inside. The more “important” exhibits have English descriptions, however, many smaller ones do not. Be prepared to spend about an hour in the museum, at least.
After learning about Japan’s rich history and culture, we went to an extremely charming and quaint cafe. We ate ume mochi (plum mochi) and drank matcha (green tea). The conflicting bitter and sweet tastes were extremely delicious, and a perfect way to end a great trip.

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