School Activity Report

Today's Phrase

Make ramen

I am a really bad cook… almost always! We went to make ramen this Wednesday and it actually came out very delicious! I am really proud of my first successful hand-made meal.

We got to make the flour of the noodles and the Gyoza. I had some difficulty because I wasn’t quite sure how to make it nice but I did my best. The funniest part of making the ramen was when we had to roll the flour into the pasta machine. It’s amazing seeing a bunch of blobs turn into something delicious! Something I found kind a weird was when we stepped on the flour to make it flat. I was worried I made our noodles stinky haha!  But it worked out and tasted great in the end.

We got to take home a lot of the left overs and they gave us some cool Omiyage. My favorite was the rolling pin with the cute logo on it! I actually made pizza by myself using the leftovers the other day. It was fun and surprisingly delicious.

I went in wanting to learn how to make ramen and I came out learning how to make so much more! I’m very glad we did this activity!!


This week we went to a cookery class.

At the class we learned to make ramen noodles and Gyoza skins from flour. A lot of the ingredients had been pre-prepared: the flavoured water to mix with the flour (different for ramen and Gyoza), the type of flour, the soup stock, the Gyoza filling, the ramen toppings. But it makes it possible to fit everything into the time we had.

We started my making the Gyoza pastry balls and rolling them into flat disks, then we stuffed them with meat and folded them into Gyoza shape. They were cooked for us.

Then we made the ramen noodles by making dough and kneading it without feet!

We then rolled it out and used a pasta machine to cut it into ramen, and boiled it ourselves.

The ramen was added to the shop’s own soup and then we got to eat our own creations. This was my favorite event so far. 🙂




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